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Naming Legal Guardians for Minor Children

69% of parents have not named legal guardians for their children. Of the 31% who have, most have made one of 6 common mistakes. That means that if you have minor children at home (or children who have special needs), it’s time to review your plan for their care, if and when something happens to you.


Begin here with our report on the 6 common mistakes parents make when naming legal guardians for their kids and how you can fix them now. 


7 Must-dos when Naming Guardians for Your Kids

In addition, we will guide you to put in place a comprehensive Kids Protection Plan® that will ensure you have handled all 7 Must-Dos when it comes to ensuring the well-being and care of your children by naming legal guardians for the long-term and for the short-term to protect your kids, no matter what.

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Then, consider taking the very first step that every parent must have in place (no matter whether you have $1 or $10 million), and name legal guardians for your children for the long-term here.


Name Legal Guardians for Free


Naming guardians for your kids is totally

free and easy, no strings attached.

Finally, if you have not already read the book Wear Clean Underwear, it’s the best-selling book on legal planning for parents and it’s a must-read. You can get a copy of it with my compliments for free here.

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Get The Best-Selling Book On Legal Planning For Busy Parents – Our Free Gift To You


A Fast, ​Fun, Friendly – And Essential – Guide to Legal Planning for ​Busy Parents


Get this best-selling book for ​FREE.

If you and your spouse/partner cannot agree on who would be the ideal guardian(s) for your kids, that’s something we can help with. 

We have special training from the Family Wealth Planning Institute on helping parents work through this critical decision.


If you do nothing, the decision about who would raise your children (if something were to happen to you) would be left up to a judge to decide.
A judge who doesn’t know you, doesn’t know what’s important to you, and doesn’t know your children will make all the decisions about who cares for the people who are most important to you in the world.

We know that’s not what you want.


And, truth is …  there may never be a perfect solution for you, but there is definitely a solution that is better than your children being raised by someone you didn’t choose. 


Perhaps you think the way so many parents do, “if we don’t anticipate it, it will never happen, right?” 


Then I guess that means you don’t need things like insurance or any other type of protection since bad things never happen to good people, right?  And wouldn’t it be great if that were true.

Responsible parents protect their children, and that means you must think about the unthinkable. 

Fortunately, there is a sensible approach to the selection of a guardian for your children that makes it a lot easier. And we can guide you through this most important of decisions.


Learn how to pick the most caring choice for your family. 

We have and will always strive to provide direction; as well as, would always want what’s best for our clients. Our gift to you is a free guide on the Six Errors Families and Business Owners Make When Hiring an Attorney.


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Hardcover Book

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Medford, Oregon



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